2023 Community Dig – Day 4

datePosted on 09:16, August 26th, 2023

On our final day of digging, we not only found many more wonderful small finds; we also discovered in the deeper stratas

> the remains of an Anderson shelter @ #8KAT as well as more evidence of floor tiles indicating a possible location of the Hyde monastery rectory

> more of the North-South wall @ #14KAT

Fragments of a jar found at the recent archaeological dig in Hyde bore a label “J Rendle Wine & Spirit Merchant. Winchester”.
According the 1881 census James Rendle was living at 3/4 Parchment St in Winchester with his wife Charlotte.
At the time he was 48 years old. He married his 42-year-old wife in Feb 1880 at St. Andrew, Holborn, in Middle-sex, before sadly passing in August 1881.

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