2021 Community Dig

Registrations open for 2021 Community Dig 19 – 22 August

The 5th annual community dig will provide another exciting opportunity for you to get involved in the dig to find the remains of Hyde Abbey. Opportunities include the actual digging, but equally exciting the finds processing and recording of finds. The dig is open to all those from 5 years on. To keep informed of the plans for the dig, and get priority access to bookings please register HERE.

We already have enough householders offering their gardens in what was the Inner Precinct of Hyde Abbey to be confident that this year’s dig will reveal more about the layout and architecture of the abbey.

Previous digs have established the locations of the east and south sets of cloister buildings. What is still unknown is the position and extent of the west arm of the cloister. This is where, traditionally, the cellarer operated and had his storerooms. It also sometimes housed the monk’s dormitory – or was accommodation for the abbot.

However for a grand monastery such as Hyde, having at one time a mitred abbot, it is likely that  in later years that he would have had separate accommodation – perhaps in the two storied building found just outside the cloister area at last year’s dig. We will keep you updated as planning proceeds. To read the latest press release click HERE