
The Hyde Abbey site is located to the east of Hyde Street at SO23 7DQ  ///storage.upgrading.craftsman

The archaeology under consideration by Hyde900 is that bounded by the outer curtilage of Hyde Abbey at the time of its dissolution in 1538. Before 1285, the Abbey was confined to the area of the inner and outer courts but it was extended after acquiring land around St Bartholomew's church.

This area is now mostly covered by high-density housing, built from 1863 onwards.  

Hyde Abbey site pre-1285

Hyde Abbey site post-1285

Modern development of Hyde Abbey site

The area has been subject to many archaeological explorations from 1788 to the present day. 

One of the major excavations of the Abbey site was the 1995-99 community dig which explored areas adjacent to the Abbey church. Trenches included those in the vicinity of the medieval gatehouse, the mill and guesthouse,  with the major excavations located at the east end of the Abbey church.  

Reports and findings from the 1972-1999 excavations are available in 'Excavations at Hyde Abbey' published by Hampshire Cultural Trust.  This publication also documents some of the earlier Hyde900 excavations.